Monday, April 14, 2008

CLHS mountain climbing competition(12/4/2008)

Last Saturday was my school mountain climbing competition ..... I was in it ^^ cause only 1 - 200 placing in cross country only can go... so excited.... whole night can't sleep haha...... I went there with Yong Wei ...... There are lots of people there..... the competition started at... erm... around 7.40am...Anyway there are 3 groups.... group A(1st group) started at 7.40am.... group B started at 8.10am... (i was in group B ) C i don't know d.... cause i was rushing up the hill ^ ^.... When the teacher blow the whistle.... then everybody start rushing.... sadly... there was a guy fell..... haiz.... his handphone.... This competition is hard.... used lots of energy..... ^ ^ I walk the whole journey but 0f cause i at starting point i rush....( so that can be in the front...) I used like... 40 to 50 minutes... to reach penang hill..... its very cool there.... ^ ^ I got 11 placing in the competition... so happy!!!! 1st time winning the competition.... So sad la... my buddy Leon...(Tan Wen Cheun) got 21 placing..... only those who get 1 to 20 placing can only get the prize.... haiz.... Leon JIa you ! Those of my friends who didn't attend it.... try next year ^ ^
There are a few photos i took using my phone ^ ^ enjoy!

Leon(my buddy) and ME

Chun Jie and Zhao Quan ( in canteen)

Group A winners !!

Group B winners !!

Group C winners !!

ME and Zi Yang ( showing off our prize)

My prize and my running number ^ ^ lovin it!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

RuneScape Signature by Rune Legion