Monday, September 28, 2009


man.... my blog is so so dead.. lols... don't really know what to update.. T.T... oh ya...


finally... i think i did badly this time.. again.. don't really what's wrong with me.. haha... nvm SPM is the one... xD... aim aim aim! the big test is coming!! few more days! only like 1 month left. 1 month!! -.- .... well raya holidays ended.. had fun in the holiday hehee.... good luck to those haven't finish ur trials =) .... well birthday coming soon.. so? ya so.. no big deal... getting older d xD... boredright? i know -.- ..... well.... enjoy this new song/mv by miley cyrus! weeeee *party in the USA* oh ya gossip girl season 3!!! heroes season 4!! wohoooo... *bang head* study la ! -.-


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Random =x

Lazy to type.. will post a few photos let u all see pa xD

Harry Potter !!! love it!! watched ! haha! don't know why a lot people say boring... hmmm...

tickets to the PCGHS concert....
The concert okok lo xD... Just go because to support theMC ... Zhao Min xD

Me? xD

Kernyewe =p

3rd for 5000m walk race in sports day.. stupid one... call me to walk... i can run nia la ok -.- zzz

end? haha more will come..

tagged by yee hua! XD

abc'sShareRULES:Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to copy-paste this note, and answer all the questions. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged - including the person who tagged you.

ABC About You Questions:

A - Available: Of cause.. xD


C - CRUSHING ON: a girl? lol

D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: plain water


F - FAVORITE SONG: hmm only can choose one ar?.. erm.. don't know


H - HOMETOWN: Penang!


J - JUGGLE: juggle what? 0.0

K - KILLED SOMEONE: no -.- and never!

L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: forget le... a lot loo...

M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: hmm... don't know


O - ONE WISH: hmm.. a peaceful world?


R - REASON TO SMILE: for fun?

S- SONG YOU LAST HEARD: the pieces don't fit anymore by james morrison =p

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: hmm for today is 6.15am

U - UNDERWEAR COLOR/PATTERN: wa lao this also want know? come my house pa XD

V - VEGETABLE(S): love almost all except carrot .....

W - WORST HABIT: being lazy


Y – YOYOS ARE: a toys! love it?

Z - ZODIAC SIGN: monkey!

Random Questions

  • About YouSpell your name without vowels: wphrnkrn
  • What color do you wear most?: black,white,green.
  • Least favorite color?: none =p
  • What are you listening to?: songs?
  • Are you happy with your life right now?: i guess so...
  • What is your favorite class in school?: 5SC1 !
  • When do you start back at school/college?: tomorow?!
  • LessFavorite pair of shoes?: none hehe
  • Where do you wish you were right now?: with her? XD


  • Can you dance?: not the formal 1 xD simply 1 sure ok!
  • Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: 0.0...
  • Can you whistle?: na..
  • Write with both hands?: can a bit..
  • Walk with your toes curled?: i think no..


  • Do you believe there is life on other planets?: yups
  • Do you believe in miracles?: Yes
  • Do you believe in magic?: yea
  • Love at first sight?: Yups
  • Do you believe in Satan?: 0.0 apa tu!
  • Do you believe in Santa?: not really...
  • Do you know how to swim?: no T.T
  • Do you like roller coasters?: if with friends =)
  • Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: not sure...


  • Have you ever been on a plane?: of cause...
  • Have you ever asked someone out?: ya...
  • Have you ever been asked out by someone?: haha yups..
  • Have you ever been to the ocean?: nope..
  • Have you ever painted your nails?: no -.- that's for girls. xD


  • What is the temperature outside?: don't know...
  • What radio station do you listen to?: red fm,fly fm,mix fm
  • What was the last restaurant you ate at?: lupa the name
  • What was the last thing you bought?: 100plus?
  • What was the last thing on TV you watched?: tak tau


  • Who was the last person you IM'd?: apa tu!
  • Who was the last person you took a picture of?: don't know
  • Who was the last person you said I love you to?: hehe shh =p


  • Ever really cried your heart out?: Na..
  • Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Na
  • Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?:Na
  • Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Na
  • Do you cry when you get an injury?: Nope
  • Do certain songs make you cry?: ya!
  • Are you a happy person?: i guess =)
  • What can make you happy?: love from my friends and family!
  • Do you wish you were happier?: Ya..
  • Can music make you happy?: Yups!


  • How many times have you had your heart broken?: hmm...
  • Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: Sure ..for you i will !


  • What is your current hair color?: black
  • Current piercings?: never pierce
  • Have any tattoos?: never
  • Eye color?: black


  • Favorite eye color: any la
  • Short or long hair: long xD
  • Height: 160+ ? or shorter aiya don't mind
  • Best clothing: don't like lala -.-


  • Been to jail: no!
  • Laughed so hard you cried?: sometimes
  • Cried in school: once...
  • Thrown up in a store: 0.0 no
  • Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: yups!
  • Gone skinny dipping: apa tu?
  • Pepsi or Coke: both.. but i still like 100plus XD
  • McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald
  • Single or Group Dates: i don't mind xD
  • Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
  • Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries
  • Meat or Veggies: both
  • TV or Movie: both
  • Guitar or Drums?: both
  • Adidas or Nike: Both
  • Chinese or Mexican: Chinese
  • Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Corn Flakes
  • Cake or Pie: Cake
1) Raymond
2) Chun Chuen
3) Jun Kit
4) Min Xiang
5) HenryZk
6) ZiWei
7) Janice Goh
8) Ying Ting
9) Eleona
10) Zi Yang

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


First of all.... goodbye the king of pop! Michael Jackson.. R.I.P.... Will always love your music!
Lots of his songs are nice.. such as smooth criminal, you rock my world, man in the mirror and many many more! It's kinda a shocking news to me.. when i heard it.. that day was also the day my school celebrate teachers day. Thank you to the teachers who taught me.. ;) ... Miss ya MJ!
Will update on teachers day soon.. haha

So.. Love my new skin? haha.... hope u guys like it.. hehe..... new song too... haha
Hope i didn't miss out the people who linked me... =x ... if no tell me ya! i will linked ya! hehe..

Thursday, June 25, 2009

100 truthss =)

001. Real Name: Ewe Phern Kern

002. Nickname(s): kernyewe... PK.. EPk.. E ***** -.- , EWK , a lot la... zzz

003. Age: 16 going to 17...

004. Horoscope: Libra

005. Gender: male

006. Elementary: lots

007. Primary school: SJK (C) Shih Chung

008. Secondary school: SMJK Chung Ling

009. College: -

010. Hair colour: black (love it)

011. Hair length: don't know

012. Loud or Quiet: depends.

013. Sweats or Jeans: hmm...

014: Phone or camera: phone with a good camera in it? xD

015. Health Freak: na...

016. Drink or Smoke: no to smoke.. drink a little lo

017. Do you have a crush on someone: now?.. nope =)

018. Eat or Drink: EAT!!!

019. Piercings: NEVER!

020. Tattoos: NEVER!

021. Social or Anti-social: hmm... not sure..

022. Righty or lefty: apa tu..

023. First piercing: -

024. First relationship: none -.-

025. First Best Friend: Don't know wor... a lot .. i think is Alvin Gan
026. First Award: no idea -.-

027. First Kiss: dont have yet!

028. First Pet: a dog =)

029. First Big Vacation: Singapore

030. First Love at first sight: yupss

031. First Big Birthday: don't know

032. First Surgery: none

033. First sport you joined: badminton!

034. Orange or Apple juice: orange ;)

035. Rock or Rap: both hehe

036. Country or Screamo: country

037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: both are good =)

038. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera: britney!!! *IF YOU SEEK AMY* *YOU DRIVE ME CRAZY* weeeee

039. Night or Day: dependss

040. Sun or Moon: don't know

041. TV or Internet: both la -.-

042. Playstation or XboX: both both! haha

043. Kiss or hug: hehe both xD

044. Iguana or turtle: turtle!

045. Spider or bee: beeeeee XD

046. Fall or spring: spring

047. Limewire or iTunes: both.. shhh xD

048. Soccer or baseball: soccer la..

049. Eating: nothing

050. Drinking: water?

051. Excitement level: 5 for now

052. I'm about to: be crazy!

053. Listening to: come back to me by utada hikaru

054. Plan for today: no idea

055. Waiting for: this tag to finish -.-

056. Energy Level: still lots

057. Thinking of someone: nope

058. Want kids: sure

059. Want to get married: sure =)

060. When: no idea

061. How many kids: hmm... depends =)

062. Any name on the mind: na....

*063 & 064 is missing *

065. Mellow future or wild: hmmm... no idea

066. Something you would never try: smoking drugs piercing tattooing ..

067. Which is the better in the girl you like(in the future): hot hot XD

068. Lips or Eyes: eyess

069. Romantic or Funny: both both! =)

070. Shorter or Taller: hmm... not taller than me XD

071. Older or Younger: both also can.. but not too old haha

072. Romantic or Spontaneous: both!

073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms : wa 0.0.. both la xD

074. Sensitive or Loud: hmm... not so sensitive not so loud lo xD

075. Hook-up or Relationship: both haha!

076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant: no idea...

077. Muscular or normal: normal?

078. Kissed a stranger: this will be fun !

079. Broken a bone: nope

080. Lost glasses or contacts: glasses

081. Ran away from home: na..

082. Held a gun/knife for self defense: maybe

083. Killed somebody: no of course.

084. Broken someone's heart: don't know.. if got.. sorry.. =x

085. Had your heart broken: na

086. Been arrested: no!

087. Cried when someone died: depends

088. Fallen for a friend: yes.

089. Do you believe in yourself: not really

090. Miracles: yes!

091. Santa claus : hmm...

092. Heaven: yes!

093. When do you want to die: not so early pls

094. Tooth Fairy: haha...

095. Kiss on the first date: can't wait! XD

096. Angels: yes

097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: maybe...

098. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now: not really

099. Do you believe in God: yup

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people:
Ken Jeen
Zheng Khin
Alvin Gan
Wei Siang
Zi Yang
Ying Ting

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Hello... haha.. it's been a long time i update my blog... FYI: I am lazy xD.... okok.. will change will change!... laziness really kills me... sad T,T... lots of people called me to update.... i say i will but i was lazy.... so today i told myself.. got to update.. no matter what!! xD... so...
I have no idea.. T.T .... i will just upload some photos lo.... better than didn't update right!? haha

11th again in 2009 Mountain Climbing competition xD

1500m and 4x400m bronze in sports day 09... 800m got 4th T.T....

"the reef" apartment sea view.... nice leh.... when i grow up sure buy there as holiday home XD

Zheng Khin... aka Henry aka ZackKay

1 of my buddy... Wei Siang.. aka Gay Allen aka Atm Siang aka brother Wei aka the endao!
Fyi: he's still available xD....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tagged by raymond =]

1. Crazy stuff u did before.
zzz... a lot till u can't even count using your both hands..

2. What is your most favourite thing to do ?
hmm... crapping i guess.. xD

3. If you are given a chance to reverse your life,will you go back to the past ?
Duh! everyone sure want this chance... i will go back and change .... er.... everything XD

4. How old are you?
17 soon...

5. Is there someone in your heart right now ?
yes T.T

6. Do you feel loved in this world ?

7. What are you afraid to lose the most ?

8. What you wish to do now?
do well in my exams -.-

9. If there's someone that you love, would you confess to him/her ?
Try... =[

10.Do you think you are special?

11. What are the requirements that you not wish from your other half?

12. What do you think is your purpose in life?
Hmm... live to have fun ?

13. Do you feel like killing someone at the moment?
Defenately no -.-

14. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmm... eat ar.... vegetable lo xD

15. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
One only ar... hmm... happy lo...

16. If you have a chance, which part of Earth you want to live forever in ?
England! weeee or Italy?. =]

17. What is the most prized possession that you wish you can bring to Heaven?
Her xD

18. Name one love song that you have in mind and why?
locked in love by James Baum... why? because i am locked in my own love T.T

19. What is your plan when you become an old man or old woman?
Enjoy every single moment =]

20. Do u think your Life is beautiful enough?
Not really.. but compare to others that is in Africa... i think my life i beautiful...

Tagged :
Alvin Gan
Ken Jeen
Ming Xiang

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

**Free Hugs anyone? **

haha! Free hugs! who dare to do it like this guy in the streets.. He is good.. He do it not just for fun.. see this video!!

My class 5SC1

Well.. finally a post?... wa.. i so long didn't update d..why why?.. Because i am become the lazy king. T.T... help!.. screwed my exam and my life! help!!!!... really!. zzz...
Ok then.. back to the post.. hmm.. Lets talk about my class.. This is my last year in CLHS.. I am in 5SC1 and i am proud of being in this class. This class rox! why? see below hehe

During class tambahan...

We eat MCD! and study!.. Love you Ah Tiang! XD

Fooling around by polluting ones water bottle xD

Sleeping kings... xD..

But he is the one of the best in 4 of them.. haha.. He can sleep with his eyes OPEN! keat leh..

Hor hor! prefect sleeping haha xD...

Well this guy is Weng Jian... he is a lengend T.T

When teacher's not around =]

Monitors of the class From Left : Raymond,Wei Ching,Boo Tiek

studying? haha.. C class people also got study 1 ok -.-

From left : KenJeen ; Wei Xian ; Min Xiang

From left : Jason ; Han Tatt ; Yuan Tatt ; Yan Jiek

From left : Chun Chuen ; Raymond; Yao Jing ; Me ; Jun Kit =]

Kai Yuan with our sivik teacher.... what is he doing? hmm...

Most of the pictures were captured by Min Xiang with his big gun xD

No matter what.. We still rocks! ...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Let the photos do the talking? =]

Hey hey.. been lazy 2 blog this few WEEKS! omg.. WEEKS!.. xD.. well.. let the photo do the talking for me then... =]

Souvenir from my buddy! Leon.. who went 2 TAIWAN for band performance !

Bicycle basketball? xD

Nice ma ? i draw one ! =]

Alvin playing the horse riding game in Jusco Queens =]

Miss ya alvin!!!

Orange from my form teacher! =] thx ah tiang! xD

Lion dance

Aquarium Club!!.. those 2 banners i design d .. xD.. nice ma?? =] ...

My buddy Raymond!! Pengerusi of Aquarium club and Assistant President of Bomba!!

Me and my another buddy!.. merrit! .. showing off our aquarium club resits !! xD

counter for badminton 0.0.. so many people T.T

Squash counter!! weee xD

Me.. Shouting : Lai lai !! Squash Club!!!... (shout till no voice -.- wth)

St John! acting... good actors.. xD.. they are good in saving people 2 !! =]

Pan Mee from KL xD.. what a large bowl huh... i manage 2 finished it xD..

Muahahha! can u beat it? .. Want to see how 2 get 758?.. find me .. xD

Nice ma? =] ...

This 1 i draw it in the middle of the night.. where shaun stayed over at my house and he is fastly asleep ..xD (during CNY)
RuneScape Signature by Rune Legion